Sunday, May 15, 2016

Popularity of Internet in Pakistan

There was a time when internet or getting online facility was limited to only a few people as it was very expensive. However due to advancement in science and technology and launch of Zong Internet Packages now almost everyone with a cell phone can get connected to internet easily. This a great leap towards the advancement in internet and computer technology. I have seen very less educated people in my village using facebook and other social media sites.

Initially the cost of internet was very high and I remember that the bandwidth was sold in terms of hours. We used to buy internet cards of different values, like 5 hours card for Rs. 50 and so on. The speed was extremely slow and was in MBs and KBs. I was downloading a file and my downloading speed went up to 40 KBs and I was so over joyed that I called my Mrs to see the great speed.

Now the things are totally different and we have number of other resources to buy internet connection and do whatever we want. This advancement started in Musharaf's tenure and is continuing till then. Though the other civilian governments try to impose different restrictions but now the general public is well aware and they face strict reaction against any such move.

Due to popularity of internet several websites are being brought online daily by Pakistanis and are realizing the importance of online presence. That is why web hosting in Islamabad is getting great business by small and medium enterprises. People are also starting different sort of online businesses to earn a living in the comfort of their homes. This all is only possible due to increased usage and popularity of internet in Pakistan.

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